Job Description – 3 month Temporary Administrator

Early September to Early December (12 hours a week @ £15ph)

Flexible working* may be offered for the right person 

Our expectations are that the person employed will be a Christian who can work flexibly in the performance of the following duties, according to the Church Diary. The person employed will be accountable to the Officers of the Church, who are our Minister, Church Secretary and Treasurer. The range of duties which may be required are as follows:

1. Helping people with inquiries and signposting to people who are responsible for various ministries in the church

2. Sending out agendas for Deacons and Church Member’s meetings

3. Taking minutes for monthly Deacons Meetings, quarterly Church Member’s Meetings and Special Church Members Meetings which occur

4. Rota management for Sunday Worship / Technical Team / ?Welcome/ Stewarding Rotas and Refreshment duties

5. Holding an electronic diary which is accessible by the Officers of the Church

6. Collating and Filing church documents as required by Charitable law, under the supervision of the Trustees of the Church (Deacons Meeting / Church meeting Agendas and minutes, Safeguarding information, health and safety risk assessments, GDPR)

7. Ensuring that Church policy review and annual assessments are timetabled into the Church diary. Helping responsible persons in the church about these duties so that they can be actioned in a timely way

8. Updating information in the members area of our church website/ reminding web masters to keep the Church Website up to date

9. Oversight of Social Media engagement for Outreach and other activities (currently Facebook)

10. ‘Housekeeping’ supervision:

          a.        Photocopy regular things welcome card, HG materials, Publicity leaflets, Service materials for congregation

          b.        Coordinate regular day to day management and purchasing for kitchen, first aid, photocopying etc, 

          c.        Ordering supplies for smooth running of the church (photocopier cartridges, paper, supplies for outreach events) 

11. Submitting monthly timesheets

12. Collating receipts and expenses incurred by the people / employees of the church

13. Working with the Treasurer to claim gift aid from the HMRC

14. Liaise with our Graphic Designer for occasional publicity purposes

15. Other administrative duties relevant to the work above

*The person may be able to work flexible hours at home according to proper performance of the role above. Further employment may be offered at the end of the contract at the discretion of the church

Person Specification – Administrator

Whilst we do not expect miracles from anyone but God, this is what we need:



Essential / Desirable

Computer Skills

*Able to Use Microsoft Word, Excel Spreadsheets, Powerpoint, Adobe Acrobat, Website Operation, Email (personal and group), Online Form Filling, Photocopier skills, Google Calendar


This includes proper typesetting of work as needed by the Officers of the Church













*Able to handle confidential information according to General Data Protection Regulations (training provided)

*Demonstrate good people and teamwork skills (by telephone, office liaison, email, website).

*A calm and efficient manner

*Honesty and self awareness

* A good sense of humour













*Able to be self-motivated and prioritise a variety of different activities / goals as needed. *Good time management.

* Logical working which people of the church can understand

*An understanding of the Christian Faith and commitment to the teaching of Jeus as contained in the Bible

*An understanding of Non-conformist Churchmanship or congregational church governance











Highly Desirable


* We would like someone who can attend an evening meeting (7.30-10pm)  between once and twice a month

*We are happy to work with people who need family friendly options







Application by CV before 3pm on 23rd July 2024,

emailed to Rev Kate Young at

 Interviews will be held on 8th August (time to be confirmed)

Further information about our church can be found at

Any further inquiries, please ring 01206 621057 during office hours

See printable job and person specification here

Job posted 3rd July 2024