
As a church we support through prayer and financially a number of people / organisations who are involved with spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to others in the UK.

Brian and Jackie Chilvers who are BMS church partners.

Brian and Jackie were unable to complete their year- long language training, in France, due to the illness and death of Jackie’s mum. They had hoped to leave England to begin their work at Guinebor 11 Hospital, Chad on the 5th January but the day before they were informed that they would not be allowed to enter Chad due to the new variant Covid outbreak in the UK and because the area they were due to fly into was itself in lockdown. They are still in the UK awaiting permission to go. They are continuing with on-line French lessons and have been blessed with the use of a cottage in Wiltshire. They are finding it difficult to be so close to their family without being able to see them, especially as they are coping with the disappointment, confusion and frustration at being unable to do the work they have been training to do. They acknowledge that God is in control.

New Growth Ministry

This is headed up by Lynsey Heslegrave. This new ministry is based in Myland, Colchester where it continues to support families in the new housing there. They meet in a variety of places including Highwoods Country Park.

The O Family

Having lived and worked for 17 years in SE Asia, the O family returned to the UK in the summer of 2019. They continue to serve minority language groups of SE Asia through language development and translation projects.
W works from home. He has been involved in a number of projects and is currently working to finish the report on Awepa dialects and his recommendation of which would be the most suitable for literature development. S continues her IT job in a secondary school and has been busy helping to set up laptops which were distributed to students, working from home.

Baptist Missionary Society (BMS)

We support a BMS worker in a sensitive country through the BMS church partners scheme.

Colchester Youth Outreach (CYO)

This Colchester based Christian Youth organisation, headed up by Tim Abbott, was set up thirty years ago and works to support students in our local schools and colleges through chaplaincy, pastoral mentoring and special projects, such as Sanctum, and courses, such as Beloved. It is run with a small number of paid workers and many volunteers. They are funded by local churches and individuals.
Coming up in 2021 – “Prayer Walk for Schools”. Takes place from 16th May to the 23rd
. This offers an opportunity to pray for the schools which you will pass on the walk for that day, and allow you to pray with people from other churches.

Baptist Union Home Missions

Home Mission is all about helping Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities.
Home Mission supports the national Resource at Didcot, the Baptist Association’s
running costs and also supports smaller churches unable to pay a full time minister, mission projects, regional associations and three specialist teams.