Little Pips Toddler Group

Our toddler group, ‘Little Pips’, meets every Thursday (term time only) at the church, 9.30 – 11 am. Children from birth to reception school age are welcome with a parent or carer. There is a weekly charge of £1 per family group.

We have a well resourced supply of toys. We have ‘free’ play from 9.30 – 10.15 am, followed by snack time and then we finish with either a song or story time. Each week there is a different craft activity and refreshments are provided for both adults and children.

We aim to provide a fun place in the community where we can meet, chat, play and get to know one another. Many parents/carers have been with us for a number of years, returning with child after child. We hope to see you at some time!

Toddlers Summer Party 21